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SFA Structure

  • Our schoolyear runs from early September to late May

  • We meet weekly, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9am to 2:45pm

  • Classes are outdoor, hosted at a residence in Sanger, Texas. 

  • We hold morning, noon, and evening prayer on school days taken from the Book of Divine Worship. 

  • One consistent parent from each SFA family is actively involved in teaching or supporting classes for the entirety of each school day. 

  • Current course offerings include Language Arts, Music, Art, Physical Education, Nature Study, Gardening, Latin, Spanish, Handicrafts, and Math Fun.

  • SFA treasures God's good creation through outdoor classes and work. 

  • Whole families meet once per term for fellowship and outdoor getaways. 

  • On days of inclement weather, SFA meets at Green Valley Baptist Church.


SFA's 2022-2023 Calendar

SFA Handbook

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